Narcissus Firebrand
I started to appreciate the old daffodils more and more over the years and by now my collection of old varieties has become more than a hobby. It also looks like more and more gardeners are starting to fancy heritage daffodils which encourages me to keep on searching for them. Sometimes you find a variety grown by different people but they call it by different names. Firebrand was such a variety that had three different names: Firetail, Firebird and Firebrand, three varieties that used to be grown in quantities in the past but which name was the correct one. My English Daffodil friend Ron Scamp came with the answer, he had an old book on the shelve (form 1910) and showed me a picture of Firebrand… puzzle solved. In the book was also written that Firebrand was one of the deepest reds in existence. Nowadays she certainly isn’t the deepest red anymore but when it comes to grace and charm I doubt she is ever surpassed.