Save The Rose Growers DIY Flower Kit
Let us as a community support flower farms with the Save the Rose Growers Flower Bunch. Around the world rose growers are feeling the effects of the world’s ‘new normal’ and having to compost thousands of perfectly fresh stems each day. We want to support them by giving them as many orders as we can. This offer is about keeping the strongest part of our industry alive, so we all have work to come back to. The assortment of rose colors including yellow, red, purple, and orange, is a fun way to brighten up your home and also keep our small flower growers around.
Our Ecuadorian Rose Growers are the most instrumental growers we work with. When the Covid crisis hit, Jose, owner of Sisamapba Farms who also is the president of the flower exporters in Ecuador reached out with the sad news that roses were going to waste. We are joining forces – Fun Fact John F Kennedy stated, “when written in Chinese the word “crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” Together, unified as one, we came up with this rainbow pack that is perfectly fit for the rose grower’s ability to keep their roses from the dumpster as well as bring bright and cheery mix of fresh cut Ecuadorian Roses to your doorstep.