Save The Rose Growers Family DIY Flower Kit
Roses are red, Violets are Blue, South American Growers DO produce the most amazing roses! Specifically, Ecuador and Colombia, both are well known for the pristine climate for growing roses. Located right on the Equator, sunlight shines directly down feeding rose plantations with 12 hours exactly of sunshine, and farms are nestled in the Andean mountains high up where the climate lends to perfect cold and hot blend. All of these “South American” ingredients blend together to produce some of the most beautiful and vibrant roses in the marketplace. Our rose growers have worked hard for years to build plantations that produce stunning roses and now are throwing these beauties in the dumpster. Let’s help out by purchasing one of these packages starting at very small amounts to large quantities to share. Order these beauties and bring some colorful joy into your home during these isolating times.