Crimson Clover Cover Crop
Crimson clover is a beauty, its showy flower heads as ornamental as any cultivated cut flower. But crimson clover is also a nutritional powerhouse for the soil, fixing loads of nitrogen for crops that follow and, when sown densely, crowding out small germinating weeds. Sown in the fall, it puts on good growth before severe cold arrives in November or December. At that point it goes dormant, then springs back again in early spring and flowers in late spring. It can also be sown in early spring; it grows quite quickly and can be mowed and incorporated into the soil easily at any point.
Sow 4-8 weeks before first fall frost (Late August or early September in zone 5).
Garden Pack: 2 ounces, sows roughly 125 square feet
Homestead Pack: ¼ pound, sows roughly 300 square feet
Farm Pack: 1 pound, sows roughly 2,000 square feet
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