Paul Robeson Tomato Seedlings
There’s a lot worthy of honor in the story of Paul Robeson, a famous opera singer, linguist, and equal rights champion who nearly had his career destroyed for standing up to the infamous McCarthy committee in the 1950’s. He was idolized and well respected in Russia for his musical genius, his political activism, his athletic accomplishments, and his civil rights leadership, and this tomato has quite a loyal following as well! It’s as multi-faceted as he was: its deep flavor is like his renowned baritone voice, its broad shape akin to his robust physical stature, its powerful, outstanding flavor an echo of the man’s full-strength personality. For all of these reasons, the Russian tomato breeders who developed this variety named it in his honor.
A “black” type tomato with a distinctive smoky and sweet flavor, this heirloom consistently wins taste tests. 6-12 oz. fruits with dark green shoulders.