Cherokee Purple Tomato Seedlings
Now a much loved heirloom tomato, Cherokee Purple was once a little known, unnamed variety. In 1990, Craig LeHoullier, a Seed Saver’s Exchange member and tomato connoisseur, received a small package of tomato seeds and a note from John Green of Tennessee. In his note John explained this variety had been given to him by his neighbors, who had received seeds from members of the Cherokee tribe 100 years prior. Craig grew it, savoring the flavor and the unique deep purple color. He thought it was worth sharing so he approached Southern Exposure Seed Exchange and Johnny’s Select Seeds about making it commercially available under the name Cherokee Purple–and an heirloom star was born!
If you’re looking for that beautiful embodiment of an “heirloom tomato,” look no further–Cherokee Purple is your dream tomato. A reddish fruit with stunning dark-colored shoulder-top striations or marbling, the Cherokee Purple also boasts legendary taste and heavy production. It’s happily indeterminate and will give you tasty, massive fruit all summer long.