Alchemilla mollis AGM
Ideal for planting along path edges or as ground cover, no garden should be without this versatile perennial. The bright green leaves and frothy chartreuse yellow flowers fit well into cottage garden plantings. Tough and reliable and easy to grow. Grow in humus-rich soil in sun or part shade.
This year’s range includes our all-time favourite perennials and shrubs to plant this spring and summer to bring colour and form to all manner of garden settings. They are durable and solid performers and show resilience in our ever changing climate. Perennials and shrubs can be grown in the border soil, in beds and borders, and most are equally at home in planted into containers, where vibrant displays can be created – the choice is yours!
2 Litre Potted Plants
Some of our perennial plants are offered in pots measured by the volume of soil or compost the pot holds. Our 2 litre perennials have large and very well-developed root systems and can be planted straight out into the garden. Plant are supplied in pots measuring around 17cm in diameter. The foliage height will vary between individual varieties.