Allium sphaerocephalon Flower Bulbs
These drumstick alliums are great border fillers and are very appealing in their own right. The egg-shaped flower heads open from the top downward to show tiny dark pink flowers, passing through an eye-catching two-tone phase. The seed heads that follow continue to bring interest to any planting scheme.
Alliums, or ornamental onions, are one of the most popular bulbs around and have become one of the main features in the late spring garden, bringing their colour and reliability to waking borders. The emerging spring foliage is a feature in its own right, and is followed by striking flowers. Continuing on to add impact to the early summer garden, the flowers can also be dried for winter decoration. They come in a wonderful range of colours and styles plus they don’t need pampering. Just give them a place in full sun and average, free draining soil. Top grade bulbs supplied.