Honeysweet Pear Tree
Similar in appearance and flavor to Seckel Pears, Honeysweets are larger and store better than Seckels (so, like many pears, they require chilling for a week or two after harvest in order to ripen fully). Once ready to eat, enjoy the lusciously smooth, sweet, and juicy flesh. Self-fertile, though fruit set is best when grown with another pear variety.
These are two-year-old, bare-root trees from our farm partner, Full Circus Farm, in Pine Plains, NY. With attentive care, you will see your first harvestable fruits in 3-4 years.
All of our pear trees are offered on OHxF 97 root stock. OHxF 97 leads to “standard” fruit tree size, 18-20 feet high, and is a vigorous, hardy root stock that boasts resistance to fire blight.