Piracicaba Broccoli
In the steamy inlands of Brazil lies the tropical city of Piracicaba. Though not far from the urban sprawl of São Paulo, Piracicaba is surrounded by tropical farmlands. It is here that this amazing, heat-tolerant broccoli was born. While most broccolis wither in the mid-summer heat, Piracicaba thrives, sending forth shoot after shoot of sweet, large-beaded florets. Cut after cut, it just keeps on yielding. We produce this seed on our farm in New York, far from Brazil, but a happy home for this delectable crop.
Piracicaba does not win prizes for the size of its main stalk, which is on the compact size. But it certainly takes the cake for its productivity and flavor of its florets, which it yields in great abundance all season long. Its habit is looser than regular broccoli, so much so that many people mistakenly identify it as raab or broccolini. It’s sweeter than both, and freshly cut florets steam more quickly than the regular varieties, so be careful not to overcook.