Vates Blue Curled Kale Seedlings
THE STORY: Kale comes in many degrees of frill, from broad flat Russian varieties–at one end of the spectrum–to the undulating, nearly serrated Vates Blue Curled at the other end. It’s the kale often used as garnishes–but what a waste! It’s so delicious and toothsome when braised! Also great in a potato-based soup or as part of a stir fry, where its more rigid texture holds its own, never melting away like a less crinkly variety. Plants are compact but productive–harvest for weeks and weeks.
USE: Plant this cold hardy kale in the late summer for a fall and winter crop, it reliably overwinters in zone 5 b and puts on a lot of growth int he spring. A great kale for making kale chips and kale salad, just be sure to marinade with an acidic dressing.